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  • BlueFlame 60x60cm Cooker, 3 Gas and 1 Electric w/ Electric Oven, Grill | S6031EFRP

    The BlueFlame 60x60cm cooker is a versatile kitchen appliance that offers both gas and electric cooking options. Here’s a breakdown of its features:

    1. Size: The cooker has dimensions of 60x60cm, making it suitable for medium to large-sized kitchens.
    2. Cooktop: It features three gas burners and one electric burner on the cooktop. The gas burners provide efficient heat for cooking, while the electric burner offers versatility for different cooking needs.
    3. Electric Oven: The cooker comes with an electric oven, which provides consistent heat for baking, roasting, and other oven-based cooking methods. Electric ovens often offer precise temperature control and even cooking.
    4. Grill: It also includes a grill feature, allowing you to grill meats, vegetables, and other foods to perfection.
    5. Controls: The cooker likely comes with intuitive controls for adjusting the heat settings of both the burners and the oven.
    6. Design: BlueFlame cookers typically feature sleek designs with stainless steel finishes, adding a modern touch to your kitchen.
    7. Safety Features: It may include safety features such as flame failure protection for the gas burners and overheating protection for the oven.

    Overall, the BlueFlame 60x60cm cooker offers a combination of gas and electric cooking options, along with an electric oven and grill, making it a versatile and efficient appliance for your kitchen.

    UGX 1,200,000

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